Each New Season…

brings a freshness of faithfulness.

 These are the words that were spoken to me by a complete stranger during lunch today.

Simple, yet profound.

The new season that the Lord has me in right now is one that requires a lot of trust. I returned to the US from leading the World Race on February 6th; two weeks later I was offered a job with Adventures in Missions and moved to Gainesville, Georgia. Whirlwind, much?

I find it ironic that I’ve lived in 15 other countries, but have never lived in a different State until now. So, here I am, back in the US; instead of being in the comfort of family and friends that I’ve rarely seen over the past two years, once again, I’m surrounded mainly by strangers. This seems to be a re-occurring theme; the verdict is still out on how I feel about that theme.

After driving the 14 hours from Texas, unpacking, and going to an awesome weekend full of worship by my favorite people, it was finally time for me to begin the new job. I really do believe in the vision behind Passport and the World Race, so I was excited for my first day. That is, until I walked in the door and saw a group of 100 people gathered for worship. My immediate reaction was to want to turn and run, which I obviously couldn’t do because that’s just weird. And, can I please just say that I’ve been in the AIM office multiple times, and there have never, NEVER been that many people at work at once; everyone is always in and out on the mission field, except for my first day at work of course.

To be honest, I was overwhelmed the first week I started work; I work in the Sales department, which means everyone is on the phone at once. It’s crazy. There have been moments of culture shock where I put my head down and wonder how the heck I’m suppose to ever be able to live in America. It’s weird that I feel like a foreigner in my own country.

My time in Georgia has been so sweet so far; even the moments when I have to take a step back and breathe in deeply. I’m blessed to talk people through the process of what it looks to be a “missionary” and speak life into others that are overwhelmed by the things that the Lord has placed on their heart. Just today, I was able to speak to a girl who was full of shame from past mistakes she’d made; she told me she knew she was forgiven, yet the tone of her voice carried such a heaviness of shame and regret. Tears formed in my eyes as I told her that she was worthy and needed to stop believing the lies of the enemy, it hurt my heart that she believed the Lord condemned her even though she had repented.

This is my life. Mobilizing a generation to bring the truth to the nations. I’m soaking in the faithfulness of the Lord, continuously learning that I’ll never have it figured out and that it’s okay to not know all of the details of life. There’s truly no place I’d rather be.

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